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School Readiness: Teacher Resources

Funded by Innovate UK

'Get Ready Embers!' is a suite of lessons and activities designed to embed key principles for children to thrive within a classroom environment all based on an episode of Embers the Dragon showing what happened on his first day of school

To understand the background to the theory behind the resources and how to use them, please watch the introduction video featuring our Clincial Lead, Emma. The learning has been divided into three sessions, each with associated follow up interventions for small group or one to one work picking up on core school readiness themes.


For each session, you'll find an editable powerpoint that links to the planning, downloadable worksheets and resources and also video clips from the episode you can show to re-enforce particular learning points.


Introduction video

Embers the Dragon - School Readiness - Teacher Video
Play Video


Full Episode: 'Well Done Everyone!'


Session 1: 'Spike and the Sink'

Introducing the importance of hand hygiene and its effect on our health.



Session 2: 'The Blue Crayon'

Re-enforcing how sharing and turn taking is fun and builds strong friendships.



Session 3: 'But I Wanted to Win'

Exploring how if we all win all the time then winning is not special anymore.

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